E-mail: statisticsdept@devamatha.ac.in
Started in the year 1968, the Department of Statistics provides learning resources to the students of Mathematics and Economics UG Degree programmes. Prof. N.K. Thomas, the great luminary of the Department served as its Head during the period 1968-2001. Dr. Lishamol Tomy, faculty in the Department has been awarded a minor research project of the U.G.C. amounting to Rs. 1,20,000. The Department holds laurels for meritoriously producing 80 research paper/ Book/ Book Chapter publications in which 53 are in international refereed journals. Under the guidance of the faculty, 2 Ph.D.s are produced so far and 5 are progressing presently in their research works.
‘The proliferation of quantitative information in the society- To create a group of students well aware of basic statistical tools and its applications’
To provide excellent training in methods and procedures of statistics, and data management