Principal's Office

Principal's Office

Message from Principal

Dr. Sunil C. Mathew
Phone +91 8281461233



“Follow the spring,” said the woodcutter to the youth who had lost his way in the wilderness of the forest, on his journey to the valley. At that moment, pure and exquisite, the woodcutter became the master of the youth! Anybody who illuminates your path is a Master. His interventions help you to ride through your most bitter experiences in life and emerge victorious. Indeed, such Masters are a blessing. On your quest for knowledge, do you actually want to meet and interact with such Masters? Hearty welcome to Deva Matha College, Kuravilangad!

“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material” is a famous quote by Michelangelo. Our teachers are the sculptors who do the chiseling here, which makes possible the transformation of each student into perfect individuals. As the Bible says, “they call their own sheep by name and lead them out”. We uphold the principle that “to teach John Latin, they should know not only Latin but also John as well”. Active mentoring and tutorial sessions are employed to draw out the best in the mind, body and spirit of the students.Our teachers consider their job as a God-given vocation.  Though the entire teaching-learning process is envisaged as student-centred, teachers play a decisive role in placing the students at the centre and keeping them there.We realize the significance of strengthening the bond between parents and teachers, as we recognize the pivotal role that a teacher plays in a student’s life. Hence, we encourage parents to visit the college and meet the tutors/mentors of their ward frequently.

Deva Matha College Kuravilangad, owned by the Major Archiepiscopal Marth Mariam Archdeacon Pilgrim Church Kuravilangad, was founded in 1964 by the then Vicar of the parish, Rev. Fr. Paul Alappattu. The present manager Archpriest Very Rev. Dr. Augustine Koottiyaniyil’s charismatic leadership, duly supported by the ardent enthusiasm of the Bursar Rev. Dr. Joyal Jacob Pandarapparampil, plays a vital role in the unique position occupied by the college. The vivacity and stamina of the Vice-Principal Rev. Fr. Dinoy Mathew Kavalammakkal also adds momentum to the march towards success. The IQAC Coordinator Mr Anish Thomas and the Senior Superintendent Mr. Siby Abraham Issac are exemplars of sincerity and dedication.

God’s grace and blessings procured by the dedicated and sincere service of all the former members of the teaching and non-teaching staff, students, benefactors and above all the support and goodwill of the local agrarian community, guided Deva Matha during the yesteryears. As a result, we enjoy the massive backing from our alumni in all spheres of our activities. Now, let us work together to advance further by moving at least an epsilon* distance each day with the constant Grace of God as capital.Having the whole-hearted support and co-operation of the teaching and non-teaching staff and the persistent interface with all the stakeholders, the college envisions intellectual development, moral uprightness, social commitment, cultural refinement, spiritual enlightenment, and emotional maturity for the younger generation.

Geniuses are not born; we mould them at Deva Matha! We show the spring and ask the students to follow. Those who adhere to the proverb, “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself,” follow the spring and reach the valley. Indeed, as our motto asserts, it is Not Easy, But Possible. During the journey, keep this mantra in mind: Deva Matha is with You and with Deva Matha you can conquer greater heights, achieve and attain anything and finally come out with flying colours.



Former Principals

Late Rev. Dr. N.A. Thomas       1964-1967
Late Rev. Fr. Joseph T. Thannippara                  1967-1977
Late Prof. Abraham M. Nidhiry    1977-1983
Rev. Fr. E.J. Thomas Ettackakunnel    1983-1988
Prof. George John Nidhiry    1988-1991
Prof. T.M. Devasia    1991-1994
Late Prof. Isaac Thomas    1994-1998
Prof. K.V.Kurian    1998-2001
Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparambil    2001-2007
Dr. Tharsis Joseph    2007-2011
Dr. Joy Jacob    2011-2015
Dr. Philip John    2015-2018
Dr. Jojo K. Joseph    2018-2021