Deva Matha College


Inspire Brochure 2016
Application for JRF
AQAR 2015-16
SSR-DMC 2011-16
AQAR 2012-13
AQAR 2013-14
AQAR 2014-15
AQAR 2011-12
UG Rank Holders 2020
Protect yourself and others from COVID-19
Shortlist placements2018
Cultural Quota - College Priority List 04.09.2020
Action Taken Report 2017-18
Cultural Quota - College Priority List 05.09.2020
Let COVID 19 Not Stop you from learning
Sports Quota - College Priority List 04.09.2020
Admission 2020 - Instructions to CAP Applicants
Appointment of Non Teaching Staff 2020 - Application Form
Appointment of Non Teaching Staff 2020 - Notification
Admission Started for M. A. Econometrics
Application Form - Appointment of Principal
Rank List - Appointment of Teaching Staff 2021
Rank List - Appointment of Non-Teaching Staff 2021
Proposal Writing - Workshop 2021
UG Admission 2021 MG Univeristy Malayalam Instructions
MQ & CQ 2021 Admission Instructions DMC - 30-07-2021
DMC Prospectus 2021
Admission PD and Cultural Rank List 2021
Sports quota admission 2021-22 ranklist
Institutional Community Engagement Presentation of MGNCRE (Mahatma Gandhi National Centre of Rural Education)
Deva Matha College Kuravilangad Independence Day All Kerala Elocution Competition - Results
Sports quota Rank list 17-08-2021
PG University Prospectus 2021
Instructions for Classes from 04-10-2021
Application Form - Appointment of Assistant Professor Mathematics
University Spot Admission List 2021
Appointment of Assistant Professor in Mathematics - Rank list
DMC Prospectus 2022
Projector I PG Botany SF
Projector II PG Botany SF
I PG Botany SF
II PG Botany SF Classroom
Lab Botany SF
Projector III DC Botany
Projector II BSc Botany
BSc Botany Lab
Botany Tissue Culture Lab
I BSc Zoology Classroom AII 6
II BSc Zoology Classroom AII 7
III BSc Zoology Classroom AII 8
Projector I BSc Zoology
Projector II BSc Zoology
Projector III BSc Zoology
Projector BSc Zoology Lab
BSc Zoology Lab
Zoology Biodiversity Museum
Projector I BSc Physics
Projector II BSc Physics
Projector III BSc Physics
I BSc Physics Classroom
II BSc Physics Classroom
III BSc Physics Classroom
BSc Physics Lab
DST FIST Sponsored Computer LAB Physics
Projector II PG Chemistry SF
Classroom I PG Chemistry SF
Classroom II PG Chemistry SF
Lab Organic and Inorganic Chemistry SF
Lab Physical Chemistry SF
Computer Lab Chemistry SF
Projector II PG Mathematics Aided
Projector III BSc Chemistry
Projector III BCom Tax SF
Classrooms I BCom Tax
Classroom II BCom Tax
Classroom III BCom Tax
Classroom I BCom Cooperation
Classroom II BCom Cooperation
Classroom III BCom Cooperation
Projector I DC BCom Aided
Projector II BCom Aided
Projector III BCom Aided
Computer Lab Commerce Aided
Projector II PG MCom
Interactive Smartboard Projector I PG MCom
Projector I BA Economics
Classroom I BA Economics
Classroom II BA Economics
Classroom III BA Economics
Projector I BA English SF
Classroom I BA Triple Main English
Classroom II BA Triple Main English
Classroom III BA Triple Main English
Projector II MA English
Projector III BA English
Classroom I BA English
Classroom II BA English
Classroom III BA English
Classroom I PG English
Classroom II PG English
Interactive Smartboard Multimedia Hall
Projector IQAC Hall
E Learning Centre
Projector II PG Zoology
Classroom I PG Zoology
Projector II BA Malayalam
College Ground
Solar Panel
Biogas Plant
Computers available for students' usage
I BA Economics Class Room -ICT Enabled
College Emblem
I BSc Botany Class Room
II BSc Botany Class Room -ICT Enabled
III BSc Chemistry Classroom- ICT Enabled
II BSc Chemistry Classroom- ICT Enabled
I BSc Chemistry Classroom
Water Harvesting Tank
Sensor Based Solar Lights
E-Learning Centre
Multimedia Hall
A block Rev Fr Paul Alappatt Memorial Administrative Block
A block tower
B Block Building
D block building
C block building
E Block Building
Rainwater Harvesting System
Parking: student Parking 1
Student Parking 2
Common Parking 1
Staff Parking 1
Staff Parking 2
College Garden 2
College Garden 3
College Garden 4
College Office 2
office superintendent
VIP lounge 1
VIP Lounge 2
Common parking 2
Open Gym 1
Open Gym 2
Cooperative Society Store
Cooperative Society Store
Ladies Restroom 1
Ladies Restroom 2
College Canteen
Arts Day 001
Arts Day 002
Arts Day 003
Arts Day 004
Arts Day 005
Arts Day 006
Arts Day 007
Arts Day 008
Arts Day 009
Arts Day 010
Arts Day 011
Arts Day 012
Arts Day 013
Arts Day 014
Ramps for Disabled students
Ramps for Disabled students
Multi Gym
Madonna Hostel
Canteen image 2
Canteen image 3
I BCom Computer
II PG Econometrics
I PG Econometrics
I PG Physics Classroom
II PG Physics Classroom
I MSc Zoology Student ICT Facilities
II MSc Zoology Student ICT Facilities
Water Cooler
Rain Water Harvesting
Sensor Based Led Bulb
Solar Lamp
Led Based Lighting System
Energy Efficient Alternatives
Energy Efficient Alternatives 2
Chemistry Lab - soak pit
Campus 1
Campus 2
Campus 3
Campus 4
Campus 5
Napkin Vending Machine and Incinerators
Napkin Vending Machine and Incinerators
Napkin Vending Machine and Incinerators
Water Distribution System
Washroom for Divyangjan
Ramps for Divyangjan
Water Distribution System
II BCom aided Computer
I MCom Computer
II MCom Computer
III BCom Computer aided
III BCom Tax Classroom computer
Computer Lab Commerce SF
BSc Botany Lab Computer 1
BSc Botany Lab Computer 2
BSc Botany Lab Computer 3
BSc Botany Lab Computer 4
III BSc Botany computer
II MSc Botany Lab Computer
I MSc Botany Lab Computer
I BSc Chemistry Computer
II BSc Chemistry Computer
III BSc Chemistry Computer
I BA Economics computer
Hindi computer at I BA Economics
II MA English Computer
I MA English Computer
III BA English Computer
II BA English Computer
I BA English computer
II BA English Triple Main Computer
III BSc Physics computer
II MSc Physics Computer
II MSc Mathematics Computer
Nidhirickal Mani Kathanar Malayalam Research Centre Computers
BSc Zoology LAB Computers
I MSc Zoology Computer SF
II MSc Zoology Computers SF
Library Computers for Students
Library computer Daisy books Divyangjan
Summarised Stock Statements and Bills of Computers and Projectors
I BSc Mathematics Classroom
II BSc Mathematics Classroom
III BSc Mathematics Classroom
I MSc Mathematics Classroom
I MSc Mathematics Classroom Projector
Programm Offered
BSc Botany Laboratory
I BA Malayalam Classroom
II BA Malayalam Classroom
III BA Malayalam Classroom
I MA Malayalam classroom
II MA Malayalam
Arachnology Research Laboratory
Central Library
III BSc Botany classroom
I MCom Classroom
II MCom Classroom
Conference hall
Smartboard III BSc Botany
II MCom ICT Enabled Smart Classroom
III BSc Chemistry ICT Enabled Smart Classroom
BSc Zoology ICT Enabled Smart Laboratory
III BSc Mathematics Smart Classroom
I BA English Smart Classroom
II MSc Mathematics ICT Enabled Smart Classroom
II BSc Physics Smart Classroom
Commerce Computer Lab with Interactive Smart Panel
F Block building
Micro Forest
N M Thomas Open Hall Multi Sports Facility
Conference hall 2
Rank List - Guest Lecturer in Economics
Application Form - Appointment of Non-Teaching Staff-2025