DEPARTMENT OF Physics--Self-Financing-PG

Department of Physics ( Self-Financing-PG )

In 2004, M.Sc Physics selfinancing programme was started and in 2005,M.Sc physics Lab reconstructed and well -furnised.We were able to secure excellent results in the University level examinations,which inculedes achiveing second rank in consectively in the years 2019 & 2020 .We attribute all our achievements to our veteran teachers who worked steadfastly for the welfare of this institution.At present ,deparartment consists of 4 permenant teachers and one guest facult who retired from St.thomas college Pala. Our alumini successfully cracked many of national level tests conducted by agencies like UGC.The deparment takes pride in guiding its students toward careers in Physics and also motivates promising students to take up research.


Action Plan 2019-20