

Webinar and Poster designing competition


Greetings from the Department of Botany, Deva Matha College Kuravilangad.
On the occasion of World Ozone Day -Department of Botany,   in association with SES REC (Social Entrepreneurship, Swacchta and Rural Engagement Cell), Deva Matha College, Kuravilangad is organising a Webinar and a poster designing competition on the topic " Tale of stitching the Ozone"
Date: 23rd September 2021
Time: 6.00 pm 
 The poster designing competition offers exciting cash prizes 🎁for the winners
For further details of the competition and link for the webinar, see the brochure below
Expecting whole hearted participation from the faculty and students of all the departments
Department of Botany
Deva Matha College, Kuravilangad

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